About Us
The mission of ChesCo Search Dogs is to provide canine resources and ground support assistance to law enforcement agencies in Southeastern Pennsylvania without expectation of reimbursement or compensation in an effort to locate and reunite lost loved ones with their families.

Resources and Services
ChesCo Search Dogs provides search and rescue/recovery services at no cost to the public.
K9 Resources
Trailing K9 handlers work with the K9 on leash utilizing a scent article of the lost subject to assist the K9 in identifying travel direction of the lost person. These K9s are scent specific meaning, although, other persons may have crossed the path of the lost subject, the K9 is dedicated to the scent of the lost subject.
Area Search or Air Scent
The K9s work off leash detecting skin cells being shed by live subjects on the wind currents to locate any live person in a given area. These K9s are utilized when direction of travel is unknown and large area need to be cleared quickly.
Human Remains (HR)
When a rescue has turned to recovery, i.e., extended period of time has elapsed in the elements for survival, subject is despondent, etc. K9s trained in the discipline of human remains (previously known as cadaver) detection are deployed to locate the subject.
In addition to Human Remains detection on land, K9s certified in human remains detection in the water can be deployed to identify location of submerged subjects.
Ground Resources
All ChesCo members train to provide proficient, professional services in ground support to any search as assistants in incident command, to provide medical aide, or as flankers.